Temiskaming Nordic is an organization powered entirely by volunteers. We very much appreciate the enthusiasm and dedication of our volunteers who plan and deliver all programs and provide great facilities and groomed cross-country ski trails. Volunteering for the ski club is also a great way to meet other people. For over twenty years we have provided a wonderful and very affordable ski and community, enriching experience to local residents and visitors, thanks to volunteers like you.
Each year club members and non-members volunteer for many tasks including:
- Trail grooming
- Youth instructional programs
- Monitoring the chalet (opening and closing, cleaning, heating)
- Rental equipment maintenance
- Ski swap
- Socials
- Races
- Lessons/clinics
- Board members (different positions)
- Administration
- Social media/website
- Fall trail work
- Firewood
- Maintenance of facilities
- and so on.
Depending on how much time you have to give to the club and what type of skills you have or involvement you are looking for, we can find a match suited to you. It can be a few hours per year or a few hours per month. It can be manual tasks or it can be more administrative types of activities. Just let us know about your interests, skills and time availability.
Volunteer opportunities will be continuously updated on our ‘news section’ as well as our Facebook page, so keep checking the website for more information. We are always welcoming new volunteers to join our group. Many of us say we’ve got far more back from our involvement with Temiskaming Nordic, in terms of pleasure and benefits, than we’ve ever put in!
If you are interested in helping out in any areas, please see us at the club, email us at temiskamingnordicskiclub@gmail.com or contact us by telephone at the Chalet 705-679-5106.
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!
Thank You For Volunteering!